The Periscope App is amazing. It is a live streaming service that lets users film events and stream them to others. You could just use the video on your phone, but then you are left with a gigantic video file that you usually cannot email to others due to the size. You could post them to YouTube, but they too have file size restrictions. Periscope allows you to film the events, and stream them to anyone in real time. In the past year, I have watched my kids at various sporting events and school events because Marlina used Periscope. I can be in my office working and she is at the Spelling Bee. I was able to watch Luke spell his word correctly, then get back to work. I also watched his first basketball practice this way last night. Of course, me overthinking things, leads me to ask the question, "Is this good?"
I mean, I am able to watch these events, but I am not present when they are taking place. I can discuss the events with him when I get home in the evening, but he cannot look over and see my face. As long as I am present for the mega important events I think I am fine, but at what point does technology make it too easy for me to say, just Periscope it and I can both work and be a good father?
But besides my trivial bull shit, just imagine what an app like this does for people in the military who are away in another country. They can now watch their kids even while away. They can take part in the events, and at least feel like they were somewhat present. It truly is amazing. I know there are probably different apps that do the same thing, but I use Periscope and am pretty happy with it.
Ok, enough of a commercial for a product that I don't even have any stock in.
BTW, we picked up the new golf cart on Saturday. It is pretty sweet.
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