Friday, December 2, 2016

New toy! Almost

Well, I am about to pull the trigger on a new golf cart.  I usually am a slow and methodical person when it comes to making large purchases except when surfing the interwebs while drinking.  A while back Marlina and I had some company in and wanted to take them for a cruise around the island.  We had to take turns because the kids are too young to be left alone so they had to come with us.  Marlina would take the visiting lady and give her a tour of the island, then I took my friend around.  This would be a lot better if we could all go at the same time, we agreed.  Seeing as how we don't want to wait a few more years till the kids are old enough to stay home alone, we decided we would "look into" selling our golf cart and upsizing.

Usually this means that we will discuss it for a bit, then decide that I don't want to spend the money and we would revisit it again after I get pissed off about not having enough room on cart.  However, this time, I found a buyer for our blue golf cart, which was a necessary first step.  I am adamant about doing things in order and selling the old one before purchasing the new one is imperative.  Step one, complete.  Now finding the new one and making it have everything we want should be fun.  Stay tuned for the adventure (and pictures).

But for now, we say good bye to Bluefoot, or Old Blue (we could never really decide on a good nickname).

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