Monday, July 10, 2017

I'm on a boat!

Took my first boating lesson on Saturday.  Mr. Batchelor was kind enough to take me out and show me everything he knows about boats, or at least that is what he told me.  I climbed aboard his 18' Mako and we set off.  He explained about wakes, idling, channel markers, etc.  Basically all the things you take for granted when it isn't your boat and you are not driving.

We cruised passed the swimming hole and he let me take the wheel.  Now we are talking!  Back the other way and out into the bay.  Getting the boat up on plane is going to take some practice.  So is looking for underwater obstacles and other boats.  What has kept me from driving boats in the past still freaks me out now, but you can't get over the fear without facing it.

Two hours and $75 worth of fuel later, we headed back in, where he showed me how to tie the boat off "the way the US Navy does". 

Really looking forward to my next time.

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